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All About Laughing Gas

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All About Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”) is a very common form of dental sedation. In fact, the vast majority of dentists throughout the U.S. offer laughing gas as a way to help their patients relax during dental procedures. So, what are the benefits of nitrous oxide and why is it so popular? We’ve compiled some helpful information to help you understand why laughing gas is so commonly used by dentists.

  • Laughing gas really earns its name. The effects of nitrous oxide not only help to relax a patient; it usually provides a somewhat euphoric feeling, leaving the patient just a little giddy.
  • Once laughing gas is administered, a person typically experiences a slight amount of light-headedness, some tingling sensations in the extremities, a feeling of happiness, and finally some drowsiness.
  • Nitrous oxide is considered to be an extremely safe method of sedation, and can even be used with older children.
  • Laughing gas is nothing new! In fact, it was first used by dentists in the 1860s. And prior to that, in the late 1700s, British aristocrats actually engaged in parties where nitrous oxide was the main intoxicant!
  • In addition to dental patients, laughing gas is also used for women undergoing childbirth as a way to relax the new moms during delivery.
  • The form of nitrous oxide used in most dentist offices is actually a combination of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide.
  • Laughing gas typically produces no side effects, although it may cause very young children to feel queasy. For this reason, most dentists avoid using it for their youngest patients.
  • Nitrous oxide is often the perfect choice for patients who have a fear of needles, since it’s administered as a gas.
  • The effects of the sedative begin very quickly after it is given to the patient, but they also wear off quickly. So dental patients who choose nitrous oxide as a sedative usually have no problems driving themselves home after the appointment.
  • Most dentists recommend that patients eat a small meal prior to their visit to the dentist office if they plan on using laughing gas, but only a small meal. If your stomach is too full or too empty, nitrous oxide may make you feel a little queasy.
  • Laughing gas is usually less expensive than other forms of dental sedation.

To find out more about nitrous oxide, and to help decide whether or not it’s the right choice for you, talk to your dentist. If you or a member of your family is anxious about an upcoming dental appointment, laughing gas may be able to help.

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