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Teeth Extractions


Top Reasons to Visit Dr. Brandon Hoffman for Teeth Extractions

  • Dr. Hoffman has many years of experience in performing teeth extractions for patients
  • Family Dental of Teravista proudly serves patients from throughout the Teravista, Round Rock, and Georgetown, TX area
  • Our fees are reasonable and competitive with other dental practices

Important Information About Teeth Extractions

It’s almost always preferable to save your natural teeth. Unfortunately, that is not always possible. In these instances, Dr. Hoffman may recommend that one or more of your teeth be extracted. While that may sound like an unpleasant experience, modern dentistry has made this procedure much less uncomfortable than it once was. After completing teeth extractions, Dr. Hoffman provides patients with a complete set of instructions so that they can heal as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Why Teeth Extractions May Be Necessary

There are several different reasons why Dr. Hoffman may recommend teeth extractions, including:

  • A tooth has severely decayed to the point where the pulp of the tooth is infected. If a root canal procedure doesn’t resolve the issue, extracting the tooth may be the only solution.
  • One or more teeth have become loose as a result of gum disease.
  • A patient is experiencing what’s referred to as a “crowded mouth,” meaning that your teeth are too large for your mouth. In these instances, Dr. Hoffman may recommend extracting a tooth to make room for the others.
  • Patients with compromised immune systems may be better off if the dentist pulls a tooth rather than risk infection, which could have serious consequences for patients in this situation.

Call Family Dental of Teravista Today

For more information about teeth extractions, or to schedule an appointment at our Teravista office, call us today at 512-843-2441. We proudly serve patients from throughout the Teravista, Round Rock, and Georgetown, TX area.