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Tooth-Friendly Foods


Tooth-Friendly Foods

Dental research has come so far over the past several years. Not only do we now have the benefit of a wide variety of high-tech dental procedures available to save our teeth, we also know exactly how to maintain an effective oral hygiene routine at home. But good oral health isn’t just about dental procedures and brushing your teeth; the health of your teeth is impacted significantly by the foods you eat every day, which is why we have compiled this list of the of the healthiest foods for your teeth.

  • Dairy products — specifically cheese and yogurt: While it’s true that most dairy products are good for your teeth because they contain calcium, cheese is particularly beneficial. Recent studies have found that people who ate cheese experienced an increase in the pH level inside their mouths, and that helps fight tooth decay. Yogurt provides special benefits as well. Although the protein and calcium in yogurt helps to make teeth strong, it’s the probiotics in yogurt that help to fight against cavity-causing bacteria inside your mouth. Sugar-free, plain yogurt is the best choice for tooth health.
  • Produce – especially carrots, apples, celery and leafy greens: Carrots help to increase the amount of saliva produced inside your mouth, and that helps to rinse away bacteria and leftover bits of food. The same holds true for apples, which have the added benefit of being a sweet treat. Apples and carrots not only help clean your teeth, they are also an effective way of stimulating your gums. This, combined with the fiber and nutrients contained in them, make carrots and apples very tooth-friendly. Another example of a vegetable that doubles as a natural toothbrush is celery, which is a great way to scrape off food and bacteria from your teeth, and provide you with a healthy dose of vitamins A and C at the same time. Most of us have heard about the benefits leafy greens provide for our overall health, but they’re also excellent for oral health. Leafy greens are high in calcium, folic acid, and B vitamins, all of which promote tooth health and may even help to fight off gum disease.
  • Nuts – specifically almonds: If you’re looking for a tasty snack (minus the sugar) that’s also good for your teeth, grab a handful of almonds, which are an excellent and delicious way to get a tooth-healthy dose of calcium and protein.

Eating the right foods, in addition to practicing a daily oral hygiene routine at home and visiting your dentist on a regular basis for professional cleanings and exams, is the road to tooth health. Practice these routines to enjoy a lifetime of good oral health.

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